Makawao 50th and Paia 115th Anniversary Celebration
Temple hall filled with special guests, Keirokai, sangha members, and affiliates.
With deep joy and gratitude, today we celebrated the 50th anniversary of the dedication and opening of the Makawao Hongwanji Buddhist Temple and the 115th anniversary of the founding of our predecessor, Paia Hongwanji Mission. Our theme was “Living the Dharma.” Everyone delighted in seeing old friends, making new friends, and enjoying the fruits of the labors of previous generations. Mahalo for joining us!
Esteemed co-chairs for the celebration were Karen Ishizu and Diane Kosaka, helped by affiliates from Cub Pack 18, Scout Troop 18, the Judo Club, and friends and members of the temple.
Resident Minister Kerry Kiyohara officiated the service, assisted by Rev. Shinkai Murakami of Wailuku Hongwanji and Rev. Ai Hironaka of Lahaina Hongwanji.
Honored guests who joined us:
Keirokai Members, age 80 to 104, were honored with special gifts presented by Cubs of Pack 18 and Scouts of Troop 18. Nearly 30 of our 80 Keirokai members attended today. In the 1960’s, as the plantation system was closing down, our treasured Kūpuna had the foresight and perseverance to move the sangha from the cane fields of Paia to upcountry Makawao town. Much of the labor for the new temple building was provided by sangha members. They completed construction in the early 1970’s. Through further hard work and fundraising, the mortgage was paid off in 7 years. Mahalo nui loa for the legacy of the temple building and sense of community which we cherish today.
Dr. Warren Tamamoto, President of the Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii, delivered a congratulatory message.
JoAnn Yosemori was accompanied by husband Grant Ito and brother Eric Yosemori. JoAnn and Eric are the children of the late Rev. Chikai Yosemori who was the last Resident Minister of Paia Hongwanji and the first Resident Minister of Makawao Hongwanji. Rev. Yosemori served on Maui from October 1964 through August 1981, and later became Bishop of Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii. JoAnn narrated a slide show with her recollections of her family’s times on Maui.
Rev. Toshiyuki Umitani, 8th Resident Minister of Makawao Hongwanji from March 2005 through June 2011, came with his wife Yoshiko and younger daughter Riho. Rev. Umitani shared information about the Bodhi tree which he planted at Makawao Hongwanji in 2007, to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the founding of Paia Hongwanji.
Mayor Michael Victorino spoke at the dedication of the plaque under The Makawao Bodhi Tree, accompanied by his wife Jocelyn.
Mahalo for allowing us to be part of Maui for 115 years, your neighborhood Buddhist Temple in Makawao for 50 years, and home to the Makawao Bodhi Tree for 15 years! Now it is our time to step up and grow the Makawao Hongwanji Temple community into the next 50 years!
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