Strength and Joy in Diversity
For the launch of the Interfaith Alliance of Maui, Makawao Hongwanji hosted a gathering of over 100 people on Saturday afternoon February 24, 2024. We were honored to have as our special guests George Takei and his husband Brad Takei, fellow travelers on the Jodo Shinshu path.
Makawao Hongwanji's resident minister Rev. Kerry Kiyohara served as the Emcee and chanted a sutra as the invocation. He spoke later in the service about building a community of communities on Maui to foster inclusion and diversity.
Blowing the pu was Rev. Dennis Garber. Participants also included as Hawaiian oli chanters Rev. Hau’oli Tomoso of the Episcopal Church in Kihei and Pastor Kealahou Alika (retired) of the Congregational Church in Makena. Rev. Roxanne Whitelight and Rev. Dennis Garber offered the Prayer of St. Francis in English and Hawaiian. Chaplain Rabbi Ryan Mallek of the U.S. Navy, stationed on Oahu, offered a prayer for diversity in Hebrew.
George's talk about the strength and joy of diversity was illustrated by examples from his role as Sulu on Star Trek, his roles in other productions, his personal life, plus his roles as a civil rights activist and social media superstar.
At the reception in the Social Hall, we shared pupus with George and Brad who graciously talked story with us and allowed us to take photos with them. The onolicious pupus were generously donated by Pukalani Superette. During the reception we also enjoyed the live music of ukulele artist Arlie Asiu of Maui.
The goals of the Interfaith Alliance of Maui are to stand together to speak out as an advocate and ally of the Discriminated, Disadvantaged, and Disenfranchised, beginning with challenges faced by Native Hawaiian and LGBTQIA+ communities on Maui. The Alliance seeks to create an open and affirming network of temples, churches, and faith communities on Maui that welcome all people without discrimination or judgment.
The February 24th gathering was the first step of a new journey. In the future, the Alliance plans to have additional fun gatherings to share the traditions and wisdom of their respective faith and spiritual communities.
Amazingly, George and Rev. Kerry, who both grew up in Los Angeles, are first cousins once removed. Both attended the Senshin Buddhist Temple in Los Angeles where Rev. Kerry’s late uncle Roy Nakawatase was George’s Sunday School teacher and where Rev. Kerry regularly attended Sunday School and Sunday Services during his own youth.
To George Takei and his husband Brad Takei,
the Hawaiian oli chanters,
the Jewish, Christian, and Buddhist faith leaders,
and the many guests who joined us for this auspicious event that
touched our hearts and minds.